Don't ask why, but I decided today to look at my old posts. Not from last year, older. No, not from the best threads I've ever been in, older. Much older. My very first posts with this account, to be exact.
And my fucking god what was I thinking. Reading them now makes me cringe at how defensive and... n00bish I was. Like, why did I think spamming the same STFU n00b image was a good idea I'll never know. Still, it was an interesting trip into my youth. A raging young teen trying to feel part of something, I suppose.
A few... 'choice' bits for Newgrounds to point and laugh at, with links to the original thread.
YOU DON'T SEEM TO CALL THE UOTD A N00B AND SHE'S ONLY GOT 5 POSTS!! I'VE MADE OVER 90 AND I'M NEARLY LVL 5!! DOES THAT MAKE ME A N00B? DOES IT??!!!?? FUCK YOU ALL YOU FUCKING CUNTS!! JUST COZ YOU WERE HERE LONGER DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN BULLY NEWCOMERS. AND I'M NOT A NEWCOMER!! I'VE SEEN MORE MOVIES THEN MOST OF YOU HAVE IN LEVELS!! I JUST DON'T HAVE THE TIME OR EFFORT TO MAKE MY LEVEL RISE!! ng isn't about the highest level, its about being in a site, having fun and basicaly dossing about!! just coz you got a high level doesn't mean your the best. YOU CAN GET LVL 10 VERY EASILY!!! just vote every day and in a month or two you can get it. I'VE BEEN HERE NEARLY A BLOODY YEAR!!!!!! AND LEAVE N00BS ALONE YOU FUCKING CUNTS!!!
I fell the need to say this. And if you tink i'm a 13 year old n00b, or retard then check me age you don't want to mess wit a 20 year old from england! that is the BIGGEST fecking mistake you can make
It almost brings me to tears looking at them right now, just how awfull they were. Still, it's a part of my history, my first forays into BBS posting after spending a year before just lurking/playing around on the Portal.
Feel free to comment or get nostalgic yourselves below. I won't moderate this, feel free to say what you want, I don't care :)
For those who yearn for the old days of MSPaint douchery, I present my most criminal contribution.... Enjoy..?