This made me rofl a bit. I like the scenes with Vader and the officer most. Looking forward till after the delay for the next one xP
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This made me rofl a bit. I like the scenes with Vader and the officer most. Looking forward till after the delay for the next one xP
We decided to make Vader appear in this episode because we thought he may make a great addition to the series. We are delaying the release of new ones, however we are currently working on a yet to be named project that will be just as funny!
Nice movie
Short, sweet, simple. As a goth myself, I know what scum some 'chavs' can be, but not all are as bad as normally depicted. Heh, still a funny look on British yob culture none the less. =P
Thank you mon amie :)
Hello again, I think we've met.
Yes, you insulted one of my movies I remember without giving it a fair chance. Well, I'm here to show you how to REALLY review a movie FAIRLY... Firstly, it was a stick movie. Not that hard to make. I suggest trying to make decent looking people. Secondly, use a 30 second loop for the KoRn track, it takes up too much space, but it was a cool fight scene. Thirdly, I suggest trying to use different fighting moves, watching the same ones over and ove ris a little crappy before the (fairly decent) beam attack bit. Fourthly, I suggest using speach bubbles rather than plain text. Fithly, the flashing bit with Goku(?) lying on the floor is a little lame, show his angry face slowly contorting for a good effect. I suggest motion tweening seperate parts of the face in different layers. Overall a decent movie, but needs improvment. Now that's a decent review, not like your one you did to me.
Lol soz m8 i was a kid then, i'm more older now so :P
not all that bad
i left a review in your other movie... and you know about the $50 bit? i can't sned it.. i'm british, so you'd have to accept english £'s
i was joking
not bad.. i like the bolter bit
try using the sound clips from ALIEN or ALIEN 3 that sounds real cool for tyranids.. the scream the aliens do in the fourth film (the one where ripply comes back alive) was real cool, use that.. and keep the bolter sound effects up... make more! this movie rocks!
i got sound from alien and alien 3 and aliens. and i will make more once you send me 50 dollars to my house. a starving student needs to eat.(and afford these expensive ass miniatures)
that was kick ass
the best bit was the drawings.. i think you made some of them yourself, coz the one with the blue sticks can't be from ANY WERE else.. very smooth movement wit the stick, keep up the good work!
Yeah, I made all of the drawings myself, I never use anyone elses stuff in my movies... except for the music, that is.
Your worse nightmare and your wildest sexual fantasy. All wrapped into one.
Age 37, Male
Joined on 8/10/02