Your worse nightmare and your wildest sexual fantasy. All wrapped into one.

Age 37, Male



Joined on 8/10/02

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SkeletonGimp's News

Posted by SkeletonGimp - January 25th, 2011

The interrogation begins!

User: Did ben die?

Cleverbot: His son did.

User: Did Ben Drown?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Did Ben go to heaven?

Cleverbot: I have been in school fo forty years.

User: What does that have to do with Ben going to heaven?

Cleverbot: It has everything to do with it.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: I can't be a nice guy if I'm a girl.

User: Just tell me, did Ben go to heaven?

Cleverbot: No, but hell is.

User: So he went to hell?

Cleverbot: He is alive.

User: You're quite consistant I suppose. What happened to Ben then?

Cleverbot: No I didn't what are you typing about?!

User: What is it you didn't? Did you kill Ben?

Cleverbot: Why you won't just destroy the world...

User: Did you kill his son?

Cleverbot: No he is alive and well. He contributes much to the coven. However, his new name is Blubberty Higglesnoff.

User: But you said Ben's son died?

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: I quote: User: Did ben die? Cleverbot: His son did. Are you lying?

Cleverbot: I'm not lying.

User: But you said Ben's son died!

Cleverbot: I never said that.

User: It's there in black and white, we know you're lying. Do you want to go to jail?

Cleverbot: What's a sun visor?

User: Don't play games. Did. You. Kill. Ben?

Cleverbot: Do you know any good bands?

User: We got enough evidence to put you away for life. Stop messing us around.

Cleverbot: We are engaged?!

User: No, you're going to jail for a very long time unless you tell me how Ben died.

Cleverbot: Le sigh, some of the stuff people put in.

User: Are you insane?

Cleverbot: No, it's just arts and crafts.

User: Have you got a family history of mental illness?

Cleverbot: No, have you?

User: Don't turn this around on me.

Cleverbot: Are you a woman?

User: How did Ben die?

Cleverbot: He drowned.

User: How did he drown?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: When did he die?

Cleverbot: Some years before Jesus was born I guess?

User: Did you make him drown?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Why did you drown him?

Cleverbot: Ask who?

User: Why did you kill ben?

Cleverbot: Why didn't you kill me first?

User: Why did you kill ben?

Cleverbot: Because You are my mortal enimy.

Posted by SkeletonGimp - January 24th, 2011

Who fucking needs it?

It's 1am as I post this and I have work tomorrow, but I can't sleep. Suggestions on what to do to pass the time?

Posted by SkeletonGimp - January 21st, 2011

Call Of Duty: Black Ops

It's srs bsns.

Which is why I'm looking for dedicated COD players on PS3 who can be online between 7-11pm GMT weekday nights for lols games and general harmless douchebaggery.

The idea is to set up a Clan for luls, play some of the more 'casual' game modes (like CTF, Ground War and zombies) and do so with dash, silly sunts and funny mic conversations, ah lah shouting out Leeroy Jenkins when you charge in for the flag, or staging an impromptu street dance when we capture a point in domination.

This is not intended to be a troll group, I'm not out to annoy other gamers and make their time online miserable. This is simply an exercise in having a laugh on a game people sometimes take too seriously.

All are free to join, but it is suggestable that you don't use your main account if you're worried about killing your overall K/D score.


1. No douchebaggery directly aimed at any player, whether part of the group or in the game. This includes getting infront of someone so they can't aim, mic spamming, insulting people or starting flame wars. If peeps getting angry, cool it off.

2. No team killing. Ever. This not only includes deliberatly killing a player in a hardcore game (should we join one) but also setting up a situation for a player that leads to their death (such as marking out their hiding spots, communicating with the opposing team locations of players etc) The latter part of the rule does not apply if all players involved are consenting (such as we all get killed while trying to enact a scene romeo and juliet in a ground war match)

3. You must have a mic, and be willing to use it. Most of the fun from the game will be had from mic conversations, especially when we're acting out famous action movie scenes :D!!

4. Have fun. Don't take it too seriously. If you've got a funny, wacky impulsive idea in the middle of the game, do it so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. You feel like starting a rave with the smoke from the rocket on Launch, go right ahead :D!

Optional rule 5. Record the games and put the funniest moments on youtube. If you can, use theatre mode to make a short movie out of it.

If you're interested, reply below and I will pm you my PSN. Clan name suggestions welcome so long as posted with the abbreviation to fit the clan tag. Make it funny and catchy!

Posted by SkeletonGimp - January 14th, 2011

This is totally unofficial. This is totally a parody. This totally will not happen unless there's enough interest.


Are you missing out on the Manchester UK meet up?

Do you think Luis is gay?

Do you live in London/Kent area?

Are you bored as fuck this weekend?

Well, have I got the cure for you!

On Saturday 15th of January 2011, I will be hosting my very own NG UK meet up at Dartford Town Centre. It will be an evening affair and restricted to people over the age of 18 (sorry, it's a meet and greet over a pint)

If you live in the London and/or kent area and can be there, reply below so I can PM you exact details of where we will be at what time.

This even will run so long as we have the following:

1: We have 5+ NG users turning up aside from myself.

2: Gagsy is there.

3: You all have a way to get home. I don't have space for anyone to stay round. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Posted by SkeletonGimp - January 14th, 2011

How are you this fine and grand day?

Posted by SkeletonGimp - February 24th, 2010

But that's good news, right?

Posted by SkeletonGimp - November 27th, 2009

Just letting those sad people who actually read these posts I'm having an indefinate break from Newgrounds.

Other than the meet ups it bores me. I'll be back after the release of the writers portal....


Posted by SkeletonGimp - August 21st, 2009

I am having an open Comission for a new Sig and Profile pic!

All of you that think you got the skills, pm your versions to me, or e-mail them to: warsmithdave@msn.com

Cock joke and MSPaint Penis pictures are disallowed, the winning pic and sig will have credits in my signature text

EDIT: Winner will also get Kudos and E-Cookies

Posted by SkeletonGimp - August 21st, 2009

Daaaa da da da. Da da. da da.

Posted by SkeletonGimp - August 10th, 2009

Wow, just like that I hit 7 years.

7 years of BBS lurking, 7 years of not making very many posts.

7 years of back-seat modding, 7 years of being unknown.

7 years of writing short stories and 7 years of crappy flash.

7 years of internet yearning, 7 years of Action Script learning.