Hello again, I think we've met.
Yes, you insulted one of my movies I remember without giving it a fair chance. Well, I'm here to show you how to REALLY review a movie FAIRLY... Firstly, it was a stick movie. Not that hard to make. I suggest trying to make decent looking people. Secondly, use a 30 second loop for the KoRn track, it takes up too much space, but it was a cool fight scene. Thirdly, I suggest trying to use different fighting moves, watching the same ones over and ove ris a little crappy before the (fairly decent) beam attack bit. Fourthly, I suggest using speach bubbles rather than plain text. Fithly, the flashing bit with Goku(?) lying on the floor is a little lame, show his angry face slowly contorting for a good effect. I suggest motion tweening seperate parts of the face in different layers. Overall a decent movie, but needs improvment. Now that's a decent review, not like your one you did to me.